Music by Nebulo

This is my final schoolyear's project.
I started thinking about the concept more than a year ago, and I really started working on it last november.

It's a short 3D animation that depicts the human life in a very minimalistic way.
The first part is about the life growing in a female's belly, from fecundation to birth.
The second is the part we live : the one we can actually remember, from birth to fecundation (not death : I wanted to explain a cycle, not to show how it ends, that wasn't my point in this piece).

I tried to show various phases of our evolution as human beings, that's why I took quite a lot of time to collect informations and references before making my storyboard.
For the first part, I opened my high school biology books back, to be able to accurately display the evolution of a cell that will become an embryo and then a fetus;
for the second, I was inspired by a sociological study led by Jacques Attali (a French great thinker) that deals with humans social evolution (social = relationship with others) and the way we build ourselves, how we become what we are.

There are 3 different materials in the movie, they all have a symbolic meaning:
-glossy black : male attribute
-light/white : female attribute
-water/glass/refracted : the conscience.

With these explanations, you should be able to get the message of the video, since I am well aware that it is very abstract.

All the music was composed by Nebulo, a (great) French sound designer for his 2nd album Avutma.

For the tech freaks, I used 3Ds 2011, Vray 2011, AE CS5 and Optical Flares. (all in 64bits ofc..)
About the rendering time.. what can I say.. weeks? maybe 2..


It's a short 3D animation that depicts the human life in a very minimalistic way. The first part is about the life growing in a female's belly, f Read More
